Who We Are

Aghor is a state of mind transcending discrimination and duality. Seeing the Divine in everything is the ultimate goal. Rooted in a lineage that traces back to Adi Yogi, Lord Shiva, the Aghor tradition flourished through realized beings like Baba Kinaram in the 16th century. Baba Kinaram, an enlightened master and social reformer, advocated simple and practical teachings, urging individuals to focus on their own wholeness and engage in selfless service. In modern times, Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram continued the tradition, placing a strong emphasis on social service.

Aghor is about breaking the illusions of duality and fear, advocating for a deeper understanding by approaching and embracing what is feared or misunderstood. Contrary to popular misconceptions, the Aghor path is not about engaging in extreme practices but about overcoming dualities in everyday life. The essence lies in recognizing the oneness of all existence and freeing oneself from negative emotions.

Aghor emphasizes maintaining a higher vision, contemplating one's purpose in life, and choosing a disciplined path. The tradition is rooted in a guru-based approach, where establishing a connection with a revered figure helps anchor individuals, providing guidance and support. Establishing love and trust in the Guru in an outer form allows us to access the Guru within, our own Higher Self.

At its essence, Aghor is a path of love - it is not governed by the mind but by an open heart.